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Летняя шляпа пэчворк порк пай из хлопка PPH-40
Летняя шляпа пэчворк порк пай из хлопка PPH-40Summer patchwork cotton pork pie hat PPH-40Summer patchwork cotton pork pie hat PPH-40Summer patchwork cotton pork pie hat PPH-40Летняя шляпа порк пай из хлопка PPH-40Летняя шляпа порк пай из хлопка PPH-40Летняя шляпа пэчворк порк пай из хлопка PPH-40

Summer patchwork cotton pork pie hat PPH-40

Product Availability InStock

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4 000 ₽ ($80) each


Dry clean
7-8 days
8-12 days

The original PPH-40 Patchwork Pork Pie Hat is our new addition for warm summer days.

Made in two shades of blue, the hat is well suited for both men and women. It will be the perfect addition to your casual or boho style summer wardrobe, relaxed and playful.

The hat is decorated with a natural leather band and an antique bronze buckle.

The crown of the hat has 6mm eyelets for ventilation.

Crown height 85 mm.

Brim width 45 mm.

We sew to order in any size.

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