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Docker beanie cotton and tapestry hat DBH-36
Docker beanie cotton and tapestry hat DBH-36Docker beanie cotton and tapestry hat DBH-36Docker beanie cotton and tapestry hat DBH-36Докерская шапка бини из хлопка и гобелена DBH-36Докерская шапка бини из хлопка и гобелена DBH-36

Docker beanie cotton and tapestry hat DBH-36

Product Availability InStock

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$55 each


Cotton, Tapestry
Cotton, Linen
Dry clean
7-8 days
8-12 days

New docker hat for summer. Light sand-colored cotton and exquisitely beautiful tapestry lapel.

This model can optionally be equipped with a size adjuster in the form of a leather strap at the back of the head.

Two pairs of 6mm ventilation eyelets.

Docker hat DBH-36 Can be made in any size.

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