Why Bluggae?
I built my first guitar at the age of 16, Levi's first jeans and Lee's jacket appeared at 17. Yes, the Soviet Union was a closed country. But you can not close any country as a pressure chamber. We had records and posters, we listened to the Voice of America and Seva Novgorodtseva. We knew how our heroes lived, sounded, what they dressed. We accepted this and transferred to our lives.
And in 1980 I first heard Bob Marley, and next to the blues star, a reggae star broke out. Since then they have been circling in my dreams in a delightful dance of freedom, harmony and simple joy of being. And, what is most joyful, they do not contradict each other. Blues and reggae for me as a perfect cocktail, prepared by the master of his craft. If I play reggae and I want to improvise, I play a blues guitar solo. Consider that when I come up with my hats - such solo plays in my head. Almost always.
This is the simple formula: BLUes + reGGAE = BLUGGAE.